a sixth sense cannot make up for a complete lack of common sense
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the resident
![]() -best known as May Ching- -09/01/1990- -19 years 1.2 months- -mugger/slacker/writer- leave a note
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Monday, October 18, 2010, 4:06 pm
... Is it really October already? Even though nobody reads this blog anymore (not even me), it's kinda therapeutic to come over once in a while just to look at the record of my mind. I like to think I've changed every time I visit this blog, so I can get all nostalgic when I browse through the archives (speaking of which, there are no links to on this page. Huh. Must fix that if I haven't forgotten all my HTML skills). Came to an interesting conclusion last night, while looking through my keepsake pouch and looking at yaoi art (threesome, to be precise). Well, I do confess that I've been thinking about this for a very long time but last night was the time I actually believed what I was saying. This blog isn't private enough for me to disclose what it is, but I feel more confident about myself now. Made leaps and bounds with my drawing skill and confidence in my art; now all I need is a tablet and life will be complete. I intend to spend the December holidays doing some serious anatomy and composition practice. Sometimes I wish I could be a better person; more hardworking, more tolerant, less emotional, less sensitive, more emotionally involved... I have nothing to say for this but to keep working at it. I know I can be so much more. Now, a lot of people I know like to end off with religious/self-motivational/hopeful crap, but blah. I don't do this kind of thing. I accept myself for who I am (though I still do want to change) and shall say here that those stuff are for wussies. Friday, April 09, 2010, 6:24 pm
... I'm alive!I can still remember a time when blogging was something I did every day *hollow laughter* Well, things have changed quite a bit now; since online friends are more willing to read what I've been up to in RL than RL friends, I do half my blogging on LiveJournal and the other half on Facebook ^___^ In part, I'm a lot more confident about letting my true interests and feelings out in public. It has to be the company I'm keeping; not only am I more outspoken, but I'm more prone to bouts of insanity - which make me happier than I can remember. It's good to be alive. I want to see more of the world; my solo trip to the UK was a true experience I'd love to repeat (though traveling alone can be a bit lonely and people do stare when you talk to yourself *smirks*) Right now, I'm planning to go either Japan (the land of fandom obsession), Texas (to see Margo) and a return trip to the UK (to see everything else I missed out on the first time around). Besides other trips I'm going to be making much closer to home, I'm going to have the most amazing summer of my life. Because things come and go, people grow and change, epochs start and end. But I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere for a long time. Sure, I get depressed, but it isn't as bad as it was in JC when I emoed a lot. A whole lot. At least I have people I can talk to, and who understand how I feel, and don't load their emotional crap on me in return. I had a lot of emotional baggage back then. So now I can start living, and trying out being happy for a change. Labels: changes Thursday, October 29, 2009, 1:40 pm
Whoa - end of October already? Time flies when you're not having fun *smirks*Nothing much is going on in my life, apart from the mountains of not-work - whoever said university life is slack ought to be shot. Preferably with a stun gun (don't want murder on my conscience - but I don't want to let'em off easy either) *winks* As a matter of fact, I have two term papers due next Monday and yet, here I am blogging about absolutely nothing. Well... not really. Let me see... *counts off on fingers* The Mr-Koh-and-Mr-Leow-farewell party Pulled a muscle in my left shoulder on Tuesday while shooting - still hurts to move it in a certain way. Hence, I might be skipping training tonight (one of my double-booked appointments) and go to the movie screening instead. Sex, sex and more sex in university - I'm jaded already. In fandom news, the same old same old - not that anybody's interested in this portion anyway. But the 3rd Quarter at IYFG's up, and I look forward to not winning anything again. Despite being nominated and seconded, I always get trounced at the polls. Ouch - considering the rest of my writer's circle come out with a few shinies. Maybe I don't have the mass appeal factor - or maybe some coalitions need to be smashed *glares at a handful of cliques* Multichapter works getting on fine. My characterization skills are still lacklustre, though I like to think they're getting better, really really slowly. Now obsessed with a new story of which I have more than 8,000 words but am not going to post until I finish one of my WIPs or at least hit 10,000. Contest comm-wise, I'm doing fairly well. My Inuyasha/Sango serials have been met with universal horror from friends and Pit members alike - something which never ceases to amuse me. I thrive on deviating from the norm. Nevertheless, Harsh Reality managed to snag a second-place banner (for a canon platonic Miroku/Kagome piece, alas). So far I'm doing well in my Mir/San haunt, alternating between making and breaking. Snagged another shiny yesterday morning - woot for hyperactive plot bunnehs (which gag and bind the work ethic bunnehs, LOL) By RL standards, the bruise on my arm is now gone. I got it last Thursday when a table (yeah, one of those long dining tables) fell onto my arm. The wimpy guys were about to die carrying chairs up two flights of steep stairs (even with me lending them a hand, LOL) so I helped carry tables. And my partner dropped it on me. Luckily the muscle cushioned it or I'd have a fracture or something more serious - but here I am, with a bruised arm which is more or less back to normal. ... Oh gawd, I'm rambling. That will be all. Labels: fandom: inuyasha, real life, university Friday, October 09, 2009, 11:47 pm
Believe it or not, I'm actually taking some valuable sleeping time out to blog. University life is madness! I have like one million essays to do (exaggerating, of course: only about 3 at this point in time) and several tests to study for. Like my Sociology midterm next Wed... which I still have no idea how to tackle T_T I mean, Sociology feels so much like GP (with odd terms, yes) it's easy for me to get carried away *sighs* It doesn't help that I have like 3 CCAs... I told myself I wouldn't get so involved after JC but apparently, I must be thick-headed. And each of these CCAs keep me madly busy. Archery's cool now; really like the people in it. We're all crazy/Japanophiles/insane/random - just how I like it :D Especially my BFF (Best Freaky Friend) Dorcas... I seriously think we were separated at birth because it's kind of creepy how alike we are... Hall CCAs suck. I joined them simply because you need to, if you wanna stay in the halls - but this is madness! I'm the stupid sai kang warrior for all their legwork! No matter - JJ leader training is super handy... Well... that's it for my RL. Honestly, there isn't very much exciting stuff going on in my life right now. Labels: cca, university, university hall Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 5:32 pm
Here I am with an update.Just came back to Singapore after a whirlwind four days in KL crashing at Ming's place :D and catching up with the ladies. Eight years of friendship and we're still going strong (I hope)-_-;; It was good to see them all, now that we're really going our separate ways (as though I wasn't the one to split first) and do some heavy catching up! Everything is still sore from orbing - allowing oneself to be strapped inside a giant rubber hamster ball and being rolled down a hill with the option of having water thrown in with you or not. Let's just say I now know how clothes in a washing machine feel like. I really, really like the way Ming screams :D Almost forgot to turn in my essay to Turnitin - horrid coincidence that I left on the 18th and returned on the 22nd - the former the deadline for the hard copy and the latter the deadline for the soft copy. A good thing my tutor extended the deadline a little. Damn, I have mid-terms to deal with when school starts again next week. Not to mention I have to look at the results of the Pol Sci and Lit tests I took last week. Oh the horror. Felt fat the other week, ran 2.4. Took me a damn long time to finish running - man I'm getting old and fat. Should I get a new bow? Mine is a little too light. Hell, I'm dependent on the wind speed to shoot. Labels: archery, unecessary exercise, university Saturday, August 29, 2009, 9:14 pm
First of all, I'd like to thank 'Glen' (if that is your real name) *points to tagboard on the left* for your insightful commentary. I'm sure many wild, extroverted party animals would agree with your intelligent insight. Oh, and thank you again for gracing my tagboard with your nuggets of wisdom (because I'm sure there aren't many). Do be sure to not limit your generosity to me, consider going around to bestow your brilliance upon other lesser mortals.Moving on... As 'Glen' has pointed out, hall living is not for the anti-social. To prove I'm not entirely a lost cause, I do participate in all activities - I'm joining Hallplay and the Culture committee (despite the major likelihood of the said activities screwing up my academics). Anyway (scathing commentary aside) this week wasn't bad. Lectures as usual with the addition of two tutorials (every week), Theatre and Lit. The lecturer for Theatre is my tutor (I suspect he's everybody's tutor) who isn't a bad teacher. But I do think the subject's a bit too cheem (no joke) for me. Lit was a bit more fun, I have a Filipino post-grad student as my tutor. He shares the woes of pretentious Lit teachers who shove their interpretations of the text down your esophagus. I think his lessons will be fun *grins* Can't wait for next Wednesday, when Socio and Pol Sci tutorials start: I look forward to rushing between the Engin department and the Arts department in 5 minutes (woohoo...). Archery is killing me; I'm too old and fat. Every muscle in my body hurts except for my tongue. Somebody needs to go to the gym more often... Home for the weekend, back to the grind on Monday. August is coming to an end already, time passes so fast! I mean, midterms are in 3 weeks *faints* Labels: university Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 11:14 am
I wanted to post the other day, but HTML was fail. As if y'all didn't know, my computer skills are next to nada.Nothing much has happened in my life so far, unless you count me being highly anti-social in the halls. Anti-social like bathing early or late so I don't have to bump into those perky, chipper girls on the same floor. Or locking myself into the sanctity of my room so I don't have to venture out into the world. Hall life is great (I can say "my room" and really mean it) - now I've moved in my guitar so the nights don't have to be so lonely. With a guitar, a laptop and a loner disposition, I look forward to the rest of the semester. I'm supposed to be working on the book's illustrations but I can't muster the excitement. The final leg (these are my final set of work) and all I can do is slack Oh, and deco. I need something to paste all over my pathetically naked walls. I can't decide whether I should import my massive collection from home or go out and buy some more: I mean, posters are expensive, especially with my taste. Not to mention I need the cash to expand my manga collection. It sucks to be a student: you want everything and can afford nothing. Labels: university hall |